2008年12月9日 星期二


第五章 P.75 第一 ~ 三段

Blowing in the Wind : Connections between Wind , Climate , and Biomes
氣流的吹動 : 和風、氣候及生物社會間的相關

Why is one area of the earth’s land syrface a desert , another a grassland , and another a forest?The general answer is differences in climate .


Wind is an important factor in the earth’s climate . Without wind , the tropics would be unbearably hot and most of the rest of the planet would freeze .


Winds also transport nutrients from one place to another . For example , winds carry dust rich in phosphates and iron across the Atlantic from the Sahara Desert in Africa . These deposits help build agricultural soils in the Bahamas and supply nutrients for plants in upper canopies of rain forests iron Brazil . Dust blown from China’s Gobi Desert deposits iron into the Pacific Ocean between Hawaii and Alaska . The iron stimulates the growth of phytoplankton , the minute producers that support ocean food webs .



